Sunday, 21 November 2010

Tabata Tricks!

Yesterday's class at Brighton & Hove Kettlebell Club saw a little fun with some Kettlebell releases and catches, this was incorporated into the WOD which was 4 rounds of Tabata intervals (20 secs work, 10 secs rest x 8)

Skill Tech

Two handed swing release
One hand swing release
Two handed swing release - flip the kettlebell and catch in the rack, then front squat (AKA Goblin squat)


Tabata Tricks!

20 secs two handed swing release
10 secs rest
20 secs push-ups
10 secs rest
20 secs goblin squat
10 secs rest
20 secs box jumps
10 secs rest

The Next classes will be on Friday 26th November @ 10:00am & Saturday 27th November @ 11:00am, put your name down on the board at the box, or contact Miles (07779402991) or Neil (07865352728) to book in!

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