Saturday, 9 October 2010

Turkish Get-Ups!

Todays class looked at the Turkish Get-Up, first is the Sit-up, then the Transistion, and finaly Standing up!

The WOD this week was a modified hero workout "Arnold"

For Time with a single Kettlebell
15 Turkish Get-ups - Right side
30 Swings
15 Overhead Squats - Left side
30 Swings
15 Overhead Squats - Right side
30 Swings
15 Turkish Get-ups - Left side

Next Class is on Saturday 16th October @ 11:00am, put your name down on the board at the box, or contact Miles (07779402991) or Neil (07865352728) to book in!

Don't forget, you can get your "Do you swing?" B&HKC t-shirts by following the link on the blog!

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