Saturday, 25 September 2010


This weeks class looked at the snatch, and the progressions for the snatch. First is the one arm swing, second is the shoulder pull, and finally punching through. This results in the KB landing gently on the forearm, and not swinging and crashing down, ouch!

The WOD this week was

20 KB Snatches
100m Waiters Walk

Well done to Jason & Rob, on their first taste of the Brighton & Hove Kettlebell Club!  Good work!
Next Class is on Saturday 2nd October @ 11:00am, put your name down on the board at the box, or contact Miles (07779402991) or Neil (07865352728) to book in!
Don't forget, you can get your "Do you swing?" B&HKC t-shirts by following the link on the blog!

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